Recently refurbished and fully equipped to cater for up to 100 guests, the Lake Coleridge Village Hall is available for hire. The hall is used for all types of events - from casual gatherings to wedding receptions. The hall is fully equipped with a large kitchen suitable for cooking a feast. It is located in a picturesque park-like setting surrounded by sweeping lawns and beautiful trees with a mountain backdrop. A children's playground, tennis courts and basketball hoop are nearby.
Supplies need to be brought into the area because there are no retail outlets in Lake Coleridge Village. Cellphone coverage is also limited to One NZ past Terrace Downs.
Please call 0800 BOOK IN (266546) if you booking is within the next 7 days.
If you are enquiring about booking within the next 24hrs please phone Bettina on 021-379-966.
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